Marine Reserve Petition, in support, a spectacular success.
Environmental News Issue 5
DURING PART OF JANUARY and February 2006, a petition in support of the proposed marine reserve off the Barrier was circulated. The prayer of the petition read-
"We, the undersigned residents and ratepayers of Great Barrier Island, wish the Minister of Conservation to know that we support the proposed Marine Reserve off the north-east coast of Great Barrier Island."
396 persons gave their support to it. If the petition had been left to go on longer then the total in support would have gone even higher. In fact, several names have been added since it was sent away to the Minister in mid February. Copies have also gone to the Ministers of Fisheries and Transport.
To those who supported the petition, and those who helped with it, a big thank you, Apologies to those persons who, for whatever reason (and there were many), were not able to be contacted.
The level of support was no surprise to me, but the many indications in various media to the contrary needed to be addressed in good time. Your support really does make a difference.