Our publications — Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust

Our publications

Our mission is to keep you well informed about the environment, existing threats and new initiatives on Aotea. The Environmental Trust has a regular print publication (Environmental News), aside from an online presence, and topical reports.

Birds of Aotea

Birds of Aotea, Status Of The Birds Of Aotea Great Barrier Island , a “State of Environment” update on the birds of Aotea Great Barrier Island was launched at Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust’s 20th anniversary celebration in February 2023. Information on the project and digital copies of the summary and full report can be found here.

Environmental News

Environmental News is sent out twice a year to members with articles exploring topics of interest in more depth. The most recent issues of the can be found here. Earlier publications are archived from 2011 to now here, and earlier issues, back to 2004, here.

Bush Telegraph

Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust no longer publishes our flyer the Bush Telegraph. Archive copies are available by request.