Quick Catch for Reinvading Rats by Judy Gilbert

Environmental News Issue 14 Autumn 2008


The Conservation Dept. needs to be congratulated for the efficient and effective capturing of the rats which recently re-invaded pest free Motuora and Motuihe Islands. Pest-free islands will always run the risk of reinvasion—its not for nothing that rats have the deserved reputation for being the most successful mammals in the world —and a quick response plan is needed to respond to a suspected sighting. On the Barrier when a sighting of a suspected mustelid or possum is reported both the Conservation Dept. and the Auckland Regional Council have equipment and people ready to go setting up a trapping or monitoring grid in the area.

The involvement of visitors and people based on pest-free islands has been critical to tracks being spotted and then followed up with comprehensive trapping. Pest specific trained dogs have also assisted the success of locate and capture.